Hello! I am Saket Wahi. I have been a full time SEO & PBN consultant since the past decade. I am writing this basic guide to share my PBN expertise with you.
Today, there are various methods of link building. It is quite natural that PBNs have entered the scene to promote the money pages of the main property and thus establish its online authority. The PBN links give your property a high level of SEO boost on Google.
With a better positioning on the SERPs, good website properties with the right choice of keywords, a site pushed by a PBN network generates a very high traffic. You’ll get there by following this guide on how to build a PBN in 2025. Enjoy!
Table of Contents
What is a PBN?
A Private Blog Network, or PBN, is a network of websites used for link building to increase the rankings of your money sites in SERPS. Using these blog networks is often considered the best and the most cost effective way to create juice from links to your websites and increase your ranking.
PBN sites are often built using expired domains that have a higher SEO authority. Those would have accumulated many backlinks over time. This strategy saves time. It is important to note that these sites should not be linked together. If they did, it would be an easy way for Google to discover them. Your property would be penalized or de-indexed, which means that your site would not rank at all on Google.
How do PBN’s work?
The basic principle of PBNs is that the quality and quantity of backlinks with search engine ranking criteria for websites. Positioning your website on the first page requires good backlinks.
The PBN links enables us to bring these many quality backlinks without having to carry out time-consuming procedures. These links must appear natural to Google so that it does not consider it as spam.
Most importantly: do PBN’s still work?
>> Looks like you can’t wait for the answer, isn’t it? Well, let me take advantage of your optimal concentration to invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I talk about PBNs for those who really want to rank on Google. All secrets revealed, you’re welcome!
Google is not very fond of those site networks. It sees them as a way to manipulate its algorithm to generate links, and hence to rank a site more efficiently.
As ironic as it sounds, Google doesn’t like it when you manage to get your site positioned up in the search results. At least not like this. It would clearly prefer that you spend the budget you have on paid ads. Don’t forget that AdWords brings a ton of money to Google.
But if Google reacts like this, it’s because PBN’s are working better than just fine.
Setting up a PBN can be very effective in the long run. This technique allows a site to progress even when its positioning has reached the top. It is also a very flexible solution.
As you can see, this is a practice that can work very well as long as it is used with the utmost care. It should be implemented in a spirit of responsibility towards yourself and your customers.
Please make sure to check out my PBN interview with CEO of SuperStarSEO, Chris M. Walker
PBN’s are a sustainable solution
When you buy a PBN link, you will enjoy a power spike sent by the linking site. This is because the article that links to your property will probably be on the homepage for several weeks, and that will send you a lot of juice. This mentioned juice is better than any Niche Edit or Guest Post.
Where to find/buy PBN domains?
So what do we want? A domain that has not been used for spam, that has many qualitative backlinks and good amount of referring domains. Be careful that the backlinks come from different IPs to avoid having a network that is too closed.
How important are niche relevant domains? After tons of experimenting with PBN domains, we found out every PBN works like a powerhouse to its dedicated niche. Relevancy comes from the relevant content, Titles, images, videos, permalinks etc. So niche or non niche it does not matter!
There are several ways and places to buy PBN domains. You have a wide range of options:
- Pay me to find you high quality expired domains all manually
- Buy a domain from brokers
- Buy a domain at auction
- Pre-order a domain awaiting its expiration
- Manually order abandoned domains
- Use the archive list of abandoned domains
To assess the quality of the backlinks that your domain would have, you can use tools such as:
These tools are a quick and efficient way to sort through the thousands of results that the domain platforms can provide you. In fact, it is the first step to identify twenty or fewer results that you will need to inspect one by one to verify what the different metrics tell you. This is a step not to be neglected during this process, as this choice will result in many success factors for your PBN.
How to Host a PBN
The hosting of PBN’s is an issue that is often recurring on forums and Facebook groups that are specializing in SEO. Why is this? Because building a powerful network of sites based on expired domains requires a lot of web hosting resources. This requires a higher budget and can involve technical constraints such as unique IP addresses.
If you want your PBNs to stay secured and everlasting, the best solution is to keep them out of sight. You can do this by hosting them on different A/C Class IPs with reputable hosting providers such as Seekahost. You can check their ultimate Hosting Control Panel by clicking here.
The importance of content in building PBNs
The articles of a PBN site must necessarily deal with the same theme as the money site to which the link will be made. A site of this kind requires original texts, without duplicate content. Content-spinning can be done to some extent.
Both the texts and the site must look as natural as possible. Frequent publication is key. Include graphics, videos, and images that:
- Facilitate reading
- Help comprehension
- Are interesting from an SEO point of view
Last but not least, you need a few pages to build your site, such as:
- About us
- Contact us
- Events/Workshops
- Tips
- Resources
- Privacy policy
- Terms of use
- FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
How to get content for PBN’s?
To produce content for your PBN’s, you have several options:
- Write content from A to Z alone, following Google’s guidelines
- Spun content with premium tools
- Call upon an SEO agency or a freelance SEO copywriter to write it for you
We personally use Article Forge for high quality AI content production – all automated. Make sure you check them out!
Private Blog Networks in 2025
To conclude this article which is starting to be quite long, PBN’s are still working in 2025. The sharpest SEO and PBN experts will be able to keep them running for years to come uninterruptedly. As with any SEO strategy, it is important to think ahead and know what to do before jumping headfirst.
Either way, that’s what SEO is all about: testing, testing and testing again. Making mistakes, and coming out stronger with best practices that support long term SEO growth.
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